Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Liana continues to try to establish her place in the household pecking order. She would really really really like to be the one in charge, but since I seem to veto that option on a daily basis, well, at least she can boss the cat around. And her developing verbal skills seem to provide the appropriate tools to do just that.

A couple of weeks ago, the cat jumped on the kitchen table. Which of course, he is not supposed to do. But he is a cat. Liana, however, is very aware of the rules, and did not hesitate to enforce them. She jumped up, ran over to the table, and exclaimed

"NO SAGE! Get down the table!!!! No drink the mommy coffee!!!!"

But it is not all about ruling the roost. She is actually a really loving, caring, empathetic human being. The same week as the cat-on-the-table incident, she was rumaging around the linen closet to entertain herself. Guess that is because she doesn't have enough toys, huh? But in any case, she takes a towel out of the closet, walks over to me, and starts rubbing my face with the towel.

"Make you feel better mommy. Make you feel better."

Now how sweet is that?