Well we went to see Madagascar 2 today. I LOVED it. So did Liana. This was her second movie in a movie theater. Or her fourth… depending on how you count. We saw Wall E in a theater when it first came out. I streamed the trailer first, and she liked the characters. So I told her that we were going to a theater, with big chairs, and that there would be a big screen, like a TV or a computer, but sooo big. So big. And that we would sit in our chairs and the lights would go out, but it would be ok because we would be right next to each other…blah blah blah.
She was very excited. As we were getting ready to go, and I was packing up, I saw her pulling a folding chair out of her bedroom.
“Liana? What are you doing? It’s time to go to the movie theater!”
She pointed proudly to the chair, and said “chair mommy!”
Yeah, I told her all about the chairs, but forgot to tell her that the theater would be providing the chairs, and that she would not need to bring her own.
She LOVED Wall E. She loved it so much, that she asked to go back the following weekend. And the one after that. We saw it 3 times. So today was her second movie, but her fourth trip to a theater.
I swore that I was not going to let her watch TV or videos until she was three. Ummmm… it was about our third day together when she was 13 months old that I broke down. But I’m very careful about what she watches. Dora and Diego of course. Elmo. Miss Spider. We are on a Little Einsteins kick right now. And some movies too. We both really enjoy Happy Feet. I got the new Tinkerbell movie. And of course, some of the marvelous Disney movies that I have such marvelous memories of sharing with my dad when I was a kid. She has her own little DVD player, and last week I broke down, and got one for the TV too.
She was very excited. As we were getting ready to go, and I was packing up, I saw her pulling a folding chair out of her bedroom.
“Liana? What are you doing? It’s time to go to the movie theater!”
She pointed proudly to the chair, and said “chair mommy!”
Yeah, I told her all about the chairs, but forgot to tell her that the theater would be providing the chairs, and that she would not need to bring her own.
She LOVED Wall E. She loved it so much, that she asked to go back the following weekend. And the one after that. We saw it 3 times. So today was her second movie, but her fourth trip to a theater.
I swore that I was not going to let her watch TV or videos until she was three. Ummmm… it was about our third day together when she was 13 months old that I broke down. But I’m very careful about what she watches. Dora and Diego of course. Elmo. Miss Spider. We are on a Little Einsteins kick right now. And some movies too. We both really enjoy Happy Feet. I got the new Tinkerbell movie. And of course, some of the marvelous Disney movies that I have such marvelous memories of sharing with my dad when I was a kid. She has her own little DVD player, and last week I broke down, and got one for the TV too.
Honestly... I'm really enjoying watching the kids stuff with her. :)