Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving.

Well we braved the cold and the terror threats and headed off to the parade. Liana was very excited about the idea of seeing the “big big big balloons” but she got a little scared when we pushed our way into the roaring crowd and watched the first set of balloons go by. So she insisted on being held for the entire parade. Ask me if every inch of my body hurts. Once she got into the spirit of the event, and decided that the screaming crowds were having fun, not expressing fear or anger, she had a blast. We had a very loud multigenerational Puerto Rican family squished right next to us, and there were a bunch of big girls who were squealing and carrying on, and Liana was almost as enchanted by them as she was by Kermit, the Big Dog and all of the music. Shrek was kinda scary. Missed Dora. But a great time was had.

Did I get any pictures, you ask? No. As I explained, Liana was bouncing in my arms the entire time. For those out of town blog readers, here is a link to the event that you missed.