Friday, December 19, 2008

We put on her pretty holiday dress, black tights, red socks, and dress shoes that were just a little bit too big. She looked at herself in the mirror and said “Mommy? I look like the big princess?”

“Yes you do honey. The big princess.”

“The no be shy mommy. The see mommy’s friends.”

“That’s right honey. We are going to see mommy’s friends. You don’t have to be shy. But it’s ok if you feel a little shy.”

“Ok mommy.”

“Eat cupcakes mommy?”

Uggg. We don’t eat much in terms of junk food. But we ate cupcakes at last week’s party, and now she thinks that’s what we do at parties. Somehow, I suspect that the Asian Fusion place hosting my agency’s holiday party is unlikely to serve cupcakes with pink frosting.

She did get shy when we walked in the door. Then she warmed up a bit. So many people who wanted to say hello. It is overwhelming. Then Rachid arrived, and she absolutely STALKED him. If he left her sight, she demanded that we look for him. He wanted to have a warm reunion with his former staff and colleagues. She wanted him to hold her and play.

I did get some nice photos of her dancing with my boss Mary. And we strutted around the large restaurant over and over again. She loved going for walks. And she really liked watching people dance. She ate a little… not too much. And did not even ask for cupcakes once we got there. We stayed really late. 8:30!!!!! Just as I realized it was getting to be about time to go, she threw herself on the floor, in that pre-tantrum civil disobedience mode. Dennis grabbed her stroller and rolled it through the crowds, and I got her in and tossed her sippy cup and stuffed sheep into her hands while I collected stuff, and off we went.

“Have fun at the party, mommy. See the mommy’s friends.”

“That’s right honey. We had fun at the party. We saw mommy’s friends. We danced. We ate food. And you were such a good girl!”
